Daily Archives: February 21, 2012

From A Child

May be some day the parent’s will realise…
That when we fall, we learn to rise.. all by ourselves..
But moreover.. We, the childeren need to learn..
How to convince them.. without hurting them..
I really loved your poem nikki!! 🙂


When I was born, you named me,

You decided good and bad for me…

When I grew up a bit,

You handed me a do’s n dont’s list…

I thought whatever you say is right,

and followed, with all my might…

But then, you thought you can control me,

and  whatever i dreamt of was vague to thee…

I tried explaining what i want,

You ignored and continued to daunt…

You think you knew the best for me,

But I feel you never understood me…

When I was persistent and tried to highlight my view,

You said I was manner less and not respecting you…

If that is what you think, then so be it,

and let my life be the way I want it…!

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I’ll Try..

The only time I feel frustrated and helpless is when people, who are close to me (my family, my friends) do not get my drift. I’m going through the same right now. Every single nerve and muscle of my body, especially my brain.. is shouting at the top of its voice..

“I want you to understand what I am thinking right now..” 

 The only problem is I am not able to explain exactly what I am thinking right now. Now, this should not be a problem with a person who wants to become a famous writer/novelist/lyricist one day. But, it is! And this is because I don’t want to speak my brain out and yet want the listener to understand what it is thinking, on their own. Here, I am assuming that this person has a wonderful observation power and a keen intellect.

Another major reason for this is that my friends understand me so well. They just look into my eyes and get the point. or read my expressions and body language.. and at times the unintelligible words that i mumble impatiently!!

And today, I need the strength to speak it out, explain it to that person, whom I really want to get the picture clearly now. God bless me!!